手巻き「キャリバーB02」を搭載。ブリッジには、「Carpenter(カーペンター)」、「Aurora 7(オーロラ7号)」、「3 orbits around the Earth(地球3周)」の文字と、NASA初の有人宇宙飛行に選ばれた7人の宇宙飛行士からなるオリジナルグループ名「Mercury 7(マーキュリー7)」がエングレービングされている
62-MA7-86 (1962) — John Glenn (left) makes last minute preparations with Scott Carpenter prior to the flight of MA-7. Photo credit: NASA
Scott Carpenter’s Aurora 7 Mercury Atlas rocket lifts off from Pad 14, Cape Canaveral, Florida, on May 24, 1962. (Photo by: HUM Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
(Original Caption) Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter dons the Project Mercury suit he will wear on his MA-7 orbital flight. @GettyImages
S62-01358 (1962) — Project Mercury astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, prime pilot of the Mercury-Atlas 7 (MA-7) spaceflight, goes through a water egress test. He is in the Mercury pressure suit, without the helmet, and is wearing a life vest. Photo credit: NASA
M61-00017 (10 Jan. 1961) — Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter on flight line with a F-106. Photo credit: NASA
May 1962: American astronaut M Scott Carpenter stands in front of the NASA Mercury Control Center, wearing a spacesuit, Cape Canaveral, Florida. (Photo by NASA/Getty Images)
S62-01033 (1961) — Project Mercury astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, prime pilot for the United States second manned orbital flight, undergoes a simulated mission in the procedures trainer at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, headquarters for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration?s Manned Spacecraft Center. Photo credit: NASA
(Original Caption) Cape Canaveral, Fla.: Scott Carpenter lies on his back in the contour couch inside the Aurora Seven Mercury Space capsule atop an Atlas rocket. Carpenter was inserted into the capsule, strapped down, and the capsule sealed for launch. A haze on the ground forced a prolonged “hold” in the countdown, but launch appeared certain.
S62-04065 (24 May 1962) — Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, prime pilot for the Mercury-Atlas 7 (MA-7) mission, is seen being recovered from the Atlantic Ocean after MA-7 flight. A diver helps Carpenter into a life raft while the capsule floats nearby. Photo credit: NASA
S62-04057 (24 May 1962) — Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, prime pilot for the Mercury-Atlas 7 (MA-7) mission, talks with President John F. Kennedy via radio-telephone from aboard the carrier USS Intrepid. Carpenter was recovered by a helicopter and taken to the Intrepid after a four-hour and 56-minute mission in space. Photo credit: NASA